Lucid Dreaming
Group Show
Exhibition Official Poster
Lucid Dreaming_Group SHOW
Alex Abelson, Augustus Nazzaro, Betty Hart, Carrie Elston Tunick, Jessica Soininen-Eddis
Jihoon Oh, Jinkyung Chong, Jiwoo Hahn, Kelly McCafferty, Lacey Kim, Melissa Bidot, Sooim Lee
Tempest NeuCollins, wonjung kim, Wooje Kim, Yeji Jun
Located on 331 East 10th Street (near Avenue B)
New York, NY
Concept Idea image
What you see is room of emotion.
Comes with fulfillment but only left emptiness.
your consistent attention will be accelerating the speed
and that is what keeps me in here.
Produced by BEREBERE (woojekim)
Model : Ian Sternthal, Jiwoo Hahn
Lucid Dreaming

Lucid Dreaming

Lucid Dreaming Exhibition
